Monday, March 4, 2013

Public Library Users Want Both Books and Technology

Check out this article in the latest American Libraries (March/April 2013) magazine on a reported survey by the Pew Research Center showing how teenagers who are sixteen and older want free access to technology and printed books with reference services. (p. 14).  According to this article, having more digital materials available was high on the list.  This is another event happening in the techno-environment in public libraries.


  1. Sounds like a good read! Is the article available online? If so, could you provide a link? Thanks! =)

    1. Yes, this article is online. Here is the requested link:

      If that link does not work, try this one:
      You can click on the March/April 2013 edition.

  2. Interesting! I don't see many teenagers come into the library I work at, so I'm not too clued in to what teens want from the library. I'll definitely be checking out that article; thanks for sharing!

  3. Its funny, with the past couple of projects I have done for my classes I have just discovered the Pew Research Center. This is an awesome resource for library employees and library students. Their date is recent and relevant. This ALA article was very interesting, because I never know what teens are actually interested in, even when I was a teenager.
